Friday, April 23, 2010


When I was in a drug treatment facility, I was introduced to many female homosexuals. I wasn’t saved at the time and most of these women thought I too was homosexual because I liked sports and didn’t like men telling me what to do.

I became good friends with a girl named Anne. She wanted to come out to her parents but was afraid because as she described it, her parents were really religious and they think homosexuality is a sin and that people who practiced these sins would burn in hell.

Anyway, Anne a counselor and her parents met and Anne told her parents that she was homosexual. Well her parents took it the way Anne knew they would, calling homosexuality a sin and that if she didn’t repent, she would burn in hell.

My reaction to all of this was anger at her parents for not supporting Anne in her coming out to them. Anne cried on my shoulder all night and while I was comforting her she soon came on to me. I didn’t know what to do but to tell her that even though I respected her beliefs, that I myself am not homosexual. She said just try it and you will find that you will like it but I just couldn’t bring myself to engage in that behavior. She asked me if I was attracted to her and I said Anne it just doesn’t seem natural for me. She was upset and throughout treatment kept trying to seduce me and I have to tell you it was a bit unnerving.

Now that I am a Christian and have been for 14 years now and have read God’s Word, I now understand where Anne’s parents were coming from. The Bible says that since man did not glorify God nor give thanks to Him than God would give them over to their sinful desires to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies. They exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Romans 1 24:27

That scripture right there tells me that homosexuality is not natural but unnatural and that it is perverse and a sin just like pornography and adultery. Today I look back at my homosexual friends and talk to them about what the Bible says. They get mad at me and tell me I sound just like their parents but like I told them, I did not write these words, God did and if God thinks that homosexuality is a sin than so do I.

I have to say that these people are not my friends anymore because they walked away from me and my preaching. I pray for them on a daily basis but that behavior is so engrained in them that they honestly think it’s normal to be homosexual. In 1 Corinthians verse 6, 9:11 “Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers shall inherit the Kingdom of God. And such were some of you, but you were washed, but you were sanctified but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”

Overcoming homosexuality is the same in overcoming any other sin. It is hard to stop something that you’ve done for so many years. When I was addicted to drugs and alcohol, it was difficult if not impossible to heal myself. I asked God to help me and He did. I am no longer addicted to drugs and alcohol and was blessed due to my repentance. It is the same for homosexuality. If one repents his behaviors, God will bless him and save him from himself.

It is difficult in today’s society when homosexuality is being accepted in so many states. There are same sex marriages going on in a lot of different states and even in our schools, there are books being written about same sex marriages. I heard in one school that kids were being read that Bobby has two daddies or that Mary has two mommies.

Our children are being exposed to these lies and our country is walking away from God’s truth. It is a shame that we can’t protect our children in subjects such as these because our government is also behind homosexuality and giving homosexuality rights to indulge in these behaviors.

If you want to learn more about the homosexual lifestyle because you know someone who is living in it and you want to witness to them than please visit my website at and there you will find many books related to this topic.

Thank you and God Bless…

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